Christmas & Winter


Our house is filled to the brim with family now.  I’ve had 2 of my granddaughters staying with me for the past 2 weeks and last night my son, his wife and Lily arrived from Germany.    Every bed is taken, the dishwasher runs everyday, along with the washer and dryer.  There are gifts to wrap and a house to clean, but these times are precious and I’m thankful for every minute.


My house is decorated with simple things this year and my granddaughters helped with every decoration.  We made photo tags of family members and mixed them with little woodland animals on the tree.  It’s the perfect Christmas tree for Lily’s tiny hands and she loves looking at the photos.

Bitsy & Chelsea

bottlebrush ornaments


Sweet owl

A simple candle in glass…

pinecone candle

…surrounded by cranberries and glitter stars…


And on the mantle candles are wrapped in Christmas ribbon…Christmas mantle

We decorated a topiary with pink Christmas lights that were sent to me from Pamela in Indiana.   I love these lights!

Pink Christmas lights

Like so many of you I find the holidays bittersweet.  It’s a time of joy mixed with feelings of loss for those who are missing.

I hope this Christmas finds each of you surrounded with joy.  Merry Christmas everyone!




  • mimi'sdarlins

    Hi, Anne. I’ve had little time for internet lately, as December is devoted to all things family and holidays. Your tree is lovely and so meaningful with the photos. I love the feathery little owl….I made wool owls for my ornaments this year, which I give to family members each year. I am sitting here with my hubby, fire warming our toes, enjoying the lights on the tree, and the aroma of turkey is already filling the air. Soon our children, DILs and grandkids will be arriving to open gifts. A very Blessed and Happy Christmas to you and yours, I know how precious it is to have your children with you at Christmas.
    Hugs :)

  • Joanne Moore

    Merry Christmas Anne! ENjoy your beautiful family! Love the tag ornament idea! I have been grousing that I wish I had picked up ornaments over the years from travels and outings. I was thinking of using photos somehow…the tags are a darling idea!! Plus they wont break and wont pull down the branches. May you be blessed with a healthy, creative New Year!

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