
Rain, rain go away

It’s been pouring rain and the wind is howling at the door.  It’s a less than subtle reminder that winter comes to all of us, ready or not.   Roses drenched in rain, are still blooming in our yard, just waiting to dance in the wind with our Christmas lights.  Who knew December would be here so quickly and with such force?

We should have planned ahead, I told my husband, because it’s supposed to rain all weekend and we haven’t put up the lights yet.   I caught him smiling as he watched the rain through the window.


Ha!  Just let him think he’s getting out of putting up lights this year.   As gloomy as it looks outside, I know it can’t last forever.   The rain will pass and he’ll have no excuse.  He’ll have to get up on the ladder soon.  :>)

I’ll be doing a bit of Christmas decorating myself this weekend, with the thought of my granddaughter Lily’s tiny hands touching the tree.  She’s coming all the way from Germany, along with her mom and dad, to visit for Christmas.   I think I’ll keep the mercury glass ornaments in the boxes, away from a toddler’s curious hands.  Instead, I’m going to do some creative tree decorating this year that should almost be baby proof.  I’ll show you pictures next week.

Pumpkin Update:

Pumpkin is doing so great.  We’ve been able to leave the cone off his head because he hasn’t once tried to paw at his stitches.   I tried to take some pictures for you but it seems he’s afraid of the camera.  Even the telephoto lens doesn’t work with him.  The minute he looked across the room and saw me with the camera, he went running.   I had to resort to being sneaky.  I waited a bit and took a photo with my phone…

His stitches come out on Monday, but his Mohawk will be here for awhile.  Maybe he’ll be a happy house cat by the time his fur grows in.  Right now he’s still pawing at the door and I think he’d go out even in the pouring rain.  We’re watching the doors carefully as we go in and out.

Have a great weekend everyone.



  • Debbie St. Germain

    My son’s cat always tries to escape, but I keep her in and she has settled down.
    I also have a stray that I found in the back yard. He hated being inside, but one day he came in and he hasn’t gone out since. He realized it was much nicer in a warm and comfy home, so just give pumpkin some time to know, this is his new home.


  • Lynette

    Aww, poor Pumpkin. Tell him he’s still gorgeous. And it could be worse! Our Koko will tell him how very, very bad it is when they completely shave a 2″ x 6″ swathe off the side of a Siamese to do a heart scan! lol Poor boy. That was in July, it’s finally now grown back in.

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