

The day is damp with a bit of drizzle.  Just enough to make us bundle up.  The rain would be welcome this time of year and our umbrellas are waiting, but secretly I’m hoping it skips us today.   Rain tomorrow would be just fine.  I hope your Thanksgiving day brings you sunshine.


Soon our dining room will be filled with the sound of chatter as platters of food are shared once again this Thanksgiving day.

I was privileged to host some guests from Japan several years ago.  They were astounded that we had this room in our house that we only used once or twice a year.  It is amazing when you think about it…in a country like Japan where space is at a premium, a dining room might be considered extravagant.   But today we will gather under the chandelier in this room to give thanks for each other and to say a prayer for our family too far away to join us.

The Cat Who Came for Thanksgiving

We have an unexpected guest this Thanksgiving who’s not too happy to be here.  His name is Pumpkin.  The house behind us went into foreclosure a few months back and Pumpkin was deserted by the owners .  Even though we really didn’t want another cat, we took him to the vet, gave him a warm place to cuddle and offered plenty of food.  He has gradually become our outdoor cat.  Then just a few days ago another cat attacked him. He was left with an infected wound on his head that took another vet visit,  a lot of stitches, antibiotics, and $$$.  We came home from the vet with instructions to keep him inside for 10 days.  10 days???  Oh my.  He’s spent a lot of time pawing at the door.  Poor Pumpkin.

He’s supposed to be wearing a cone on his head but he hates it so much I just don’t have the heart to leave it on him.   I’ve photo-shopped his wound because we all deserve to look our best, especially on Thanksgiving.  This is day 3 in the house for Pumpkin.  I wonder how he’ll be in 7 more days?  Do you think he’ll want to stay inside?  After all the rain is coming!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!   May your day be blessed with family, friends and good food!




  • Donna P.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you also – and many thanks for taking in Pumpkin. I think he’ll realize what a wonderful home he has and eventually will enjoy being inside. We had to teach our 4 cats to become inside cats because we were going to be traveling in an rv. They got used to it after a week or two and 2 of them actually enjoyed sitting on the dashboard as we drove. They can and do adjust – though it might be a little harder on you for awhile. ;-)

  • Joanne Moore

    Happy Thanksgiving Anne! Hope you had a delightful day. Arent dining rooms really just sewing room wanna bees? Pumpkin is a very lucky cat to be in your home, in your care! I am sure he will be a cuddle bunny very soon!

  • Nancy Helpinstill

    I am a veterinary RN and do not understand how people expect animals to feed and care for themselves when left behind. One of my dearest cats was left at age 19 1/2 because her owner was moving somewhere she couldn’t have a pet. After 19 1/2 years with her cat! I had her for another 1 1/2 years, so she made it to 21 before succumbing to upper respiratory infection that did her in. She was a great joy to me, dear Penelope. I write about her because Pumpkin looks so much like her. I hope he realizes in 10 days what a heaven-on-earth he’s walked in to. I fully expect to see future pictures of him on Moda bundles in your studio! Thank you for helping so many little souls – feline, canine AND human! You made my Thanksgiving bright.

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