Other Nice Things

Quilt Labels

I’ve just finished stitching this label on my newest block of the month.   Stitching on the label always feels so good.  It’s the final touch that says the quilt is really finished!

Since my quilts travel to shops, the information on the label is to identify the quilts and help get them home.   I make my quilt labels on the computer and print them out on inkjet fabric sheets called “EQ Printables”.   We fold 2″ fabric strips in half, wrong sides together, and machine stitch the strips to the label.  The ends of the strips are tucked under as we hand stitch the label to the quilt.  The fabric strips give it a “cute” look and make it easy to stitch the label to the quilt.

I’ve heard that some people stitch the label to the backing before the quilt is quilted.  I’m usually in such a rush to get the quilt out the door I just don’t think of doing that.  Have you tried it?  Do you put labels on all of your quilts?  Do you make them on the computer or draw your own?

“Chick Jubilee” is going to Quilt Market in less than 2 weeks.   I’ll turn that label over and show you the front of the quilt very soon!




  • Becky

    Your label is cute. I haven’t tried EQ Printables yet.

    I’m a big fan of labeling my quilts. It seems to mean a lot to the recipients, too. I guess it is tangible proof that the quilt was made just for them.

    I frequently piece my embroidered label into the backing and then quilt it. It works very well when I am organized enough to do it. I have a photo of one in my Flickr photo album (http://www.flickr.com/photos/beckyfiedler/6565612697/in/photostream). For this quilt, the backing included a spare block, an embroidered label, and a large signature panel with signatures from friends for a woman who was undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

  • Barb

    Your labels are so cute and a great idea.

    You are such a tease. . . . I can’t wait to see “Chick Jubilee”. Knowing all of your other wonderful designs, this one is bound to be too fabulous too!! Please don’t hold us in suspense too long,

    BTW, how is Marcel doing?

  • ina

    i love the idea of ‘printing’ a label! i hadn’t thought of that and i have a bunch of vintage images to print! I embroider labels. it’s something i can do while listening to the tv. ;p

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