
Happy Birthday Bitsy Button!

Oh my sweet, sweet dog you’re turning 17 today.  Why, you’re a Libra just like me!  As I watched you run across the yard this morning I felt so proud to call you my dog.


Today we’ll celebrate your birthday with whipped cream and cake to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours.   Happy Birthday old girl!

If you haven’t read about Bitsy yet you can find her story here.


Happy Birthday Bitsy!


  • Jenny

    Have the best birthday Bitsy. We ave an older dog she as just turned 13. She is a jack Russell called Jessie, she was the neighbors dog and used to gets to our backyard as a pup to ear our kelpies food. She just kept coming back till the neighbors asked if we wanted her ! Even though there was much yelling by my husband when she was a pup, she chewed everything in sight, she is now his third daughter, tender words are spoken to her by him and my companion during the day . Nothing gives you unconditional love like a dog.

  • Ellen in Oregon

    Best Birthday wishes to Bitsey. I love how her story shows how rewarding it can be to make the decision to add a Senior pet to your home. I recently had 2 of my cats pass away and the remaining 19 yr. old cat who is also deaf is having a terrible time being without her companions. So..I am once again looking at all of the shelter cats and reading their stories. The hardest stories & pictures to look at are the great number of Seniors that are desparately in need of homes. I can’t imagine being taken from your home so late in life and having to live in a cage in a strange place. Many people think that a cat/dog who is 9 or ten is “too old” to adopt. With many cats and smaller dogs living longer lives these animals still have many years of love and companionship to give. Bitsey’s story perfectly illustrates that older pets make great companions. They may not be as cute as a kitten or puppy, but you will never find any pets who will so appreciate the love & home you can provide them in their senior years. I hope many readers will share Bitsey’s story and encourage others to consider adopting an older cat or Dog. I had a good laugh when I saw that Bitsey and I both love the same cookie. I hope she really enjoys her treats today.

  • Beth

    Bitsy is such a sweet dog. I reread her story and it still brings tears to my eyes. Thank goodness for big hearts and loving homes like yours! I’m sure she adds to your lives every bit as much as you have to hers. Did Chelsea find a new mouse toy to love like the one that was lost? Happy Birthday, Bitsy!

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