
Happy Birthday Bitsy Button!

Oh my sweet, sweet dog you’re turning 17 today.  Why, you’re a Libra just like me!  As I watched you run across the yard this morning I felt so proud to call you my dog.


Today we’ll celebrate your birthday with whipped cream and cake to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours.   Happy Birthday old girl!

If you haven’t read about Bitsy yet you can find her story here.


Happy Birthday Bitsy!


  • sandy

    Wow, what a wonderful story of how Bitsy came into your life. She was so lucky to find you and vise versa. Happy birthday to a wonderful little pet.

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Oh my gosh Bitsy!!! Friskie and Sadie Jo said to send you the biggest birthday wish ever! So
    ” HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BITSY BUTTON ” … and by the way, both Friskie and Sadie also said to tell you that they wish they had a ‘Button’ just like yours. They think it is the cutest thing they have ever seen!!! Big birthday hugs…and give one to your mom too… :o)

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