
Happy Birthday Bitsy Button!

Oh my sweet, sweet dog you’re turning 17 today.  Why, you’re a Libra just like me!  As I watched you run across the yard this morning I felt so proud to call you my dog.


Today we’ll celebrate your birthday with whipped cream and cake to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours.   Happy Birthday old girl!

If you haven’t read about Bitsy yet you can find her story here.


Happy Birthday Bitsy!


  • Angie

    Happy birthday to Bitsy! I have just started reading your blog, so had to follow the link to read Bitsy’s story. She is truly a treasure! I too have an old dog who is a wonder. Missi has been with us all of her 15 years. She’s a Cocker Spaniel, but we call her a Cocker Spanish Girl (a la Lady & the Tramp). She’s been through some tough times lately, but like the famous watch, she takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’! She is a sweetie and deserves every bit of spoiling I can share with her!

  • Miss Jean

    I have never met Bitsy in person but I love her like she is my own. I have been reading your blog for about 5 years and every time you show a picture of her, getting a little more gray each time, I look in her eyes and I just melt and tear up.

    So Happy Birthday, my sweet, sweet Bitsy! I love you so much!

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