
Happy Birthday Bitsy Button!

Oh my sweet, sweet dog you’re turning 17 today.  Why, you’re a Libra just like me!  As I watched you run across the yard this morning I felt so proud to call you my dog.


Today we’ll celebrate your birthday with whipped cream and cake to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours.   Happy Birthday old girl!

If you haven’t read about Bitsy yet you can find her story here.


Happy Birthday Bitsy!


  • Zooperson

    Happy birthday sweet Bitsy! Nineteen! That is awesome. I read your story and it sounds like both your mom and you got the best of gifts that came without ribbons or bows. How lucky for both of you to find each other. Enjoy that cake and whippet cream!

  • DeAnna

    Awww, dear, sweet Bitsy. How precious!

    On Friday, I had to say goodbye to my precious little Elliot cat at only thirteen years old. Nineteen is quite an accomplishment and a blessing!

    Happy birthday, cutie!

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