
“I Love Candy” Moda Blog Hop

Hi everyone!   Welcome to the Moda Blog Hop and Bunny Hill.  When Chelsea heard this was about our hometown and Moda Candy she got so excited!   She begged me to let her show you around and there’s no keeping that dog out of things when she decides she wants in.  She’s been after the “Candy” I’ve had stashed for my giveaway ever since I brought it home.  Maybe she’ll forget the “Candy” if I let her show you around.

We live in the San Francisco Bay area in a town called Discovery Bay.  No one really knows where Discovery Bay is except for the 13,000 that live here.   It’s not even a an official city yet but we like it that way.  If you drive in the San Francisco Bay area you are guaranteed to find freeways filled with traffic but Discovery Bay doesn’t have a freeway.   We  drive through country roads where the only traffic is created by driving behind a slow tractor on a 2 lane road.

OK Chelsea, show them where we live!

   Here’s a map of the San Francisco Bay area and Discovery Bay.  Wait!  I think Chelsea’s standing on our house!  Chelsea move over please!

At one end of town you’ll find waterways…inlets coming in off the River Delta with houses lining the waterways. You can walk out your back door, jump in and swim because these inlets are fresh water.   This is only a few blocks from our house but poor Chelsea hates to swim so we try to stay away from this area. Being the brave dog she is, she agreed to jump in just for the purpose of this picture.


…At the other end of town you’ll find acres of farmland.

Chelsea loves to visit the fruit orchards and vegetable stands.  She’s really into chasing birds healthy eating.

Chelsea get out of those onions!  (…sorry but she likes to pick out her own veggies.)

Bunny Hill is located inside my Discovery Bay home.  The studio is on the upper floor of my house so it’s not open to the public.   Chelsea’s been trying to get me to open a store but I know her reasons are a bit one sided…more attention.    She gets enough attention already.  She sleeps in a little drawer right by my desk and she get pets from everyone all day long.

She’s active in my design work and often puts in her 2 cents worth when I’m designing.

She personally checks my fabric when it arrives…gives it the sniff test to see if it passes.

Yesterday when I got out the Moda Candy, Chelsea was so excited!   She’s been watching these little bundles ever since I brought them home!  I can’t blame her, just look at these cute little packages of 2 1/2″ squares of fabric.  They are perfect for making a dog bed doll quilt, miniature wall quilt, table topper, pincushions, small totes…you get the idea.

If Chelsea will give up some of this “Candy” you could win a few to make a cute miniature quilt like this one!

Don’t worry, I’ll make her part with some Candy and we’ll add it to our giveaway.

You’ll find the FREE pattern for this Candy quilt below:

Sweet Lily

So what are we giving away?   One of you is going to win this beautiful bundle of WINDSOR LANE and three of you are going to win some Windsor Lane Moda Candy to make my Sweet Lily quilt.  We’ll announce the winners on September 15th so be sure and check back.

 All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this blog post telling me where you live and the names of your pets if you have any!

 If you haven’t been to Kate and Deb’s blog yet, click on the links below to see what they have for you today!


Have fun!



  • Regina

    I hope Chelsea has a new mouse she is such a sweet little girl. I have two chihuahua’s Abigail Rose….. who is called Abigail no tail or Abbie and Mickey Mouse…..Mickey oh can’t let Chelsea see him. Thanks for the pattern I needed one for my doll quilt swap. We live in Holland Ohio.

  • Grandma Rita

    I live in Eau Claire, WIsconsin and I don’t have pets any more. I love your fabric lines and I know my girlfriend will too. She is going to be a first time Grandma at the end of the year, twins! It’s one of each or as her son in law told her “We’re getting a cat and a dog”. They are so excited.

  • Joan

    Thank you for sharing your pictures of your lovely hometown and your sweetie, Chelsea. She is so cute. I live in L’Orignal, a small town in Eastern Ontario, Canada. I have a tri-coloured sheltie named Sophie . She is our little sweetie. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

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