Family & Friends

“Bird Legs”

It was at the zoo in Augsburg, Germany that I discovered the true meaning of the words “bird legs”.

Stranger things have happened I’m sure, but for me this guy gets the prize.  Sunbathing has never been so good.

Enjoy your Monday!




  • Pauline

    Anne, I had to chuckle when I saw the bird legs…my DIL has very thin legs….my envy…she refers to her legs as ‘chicken legs’ and when each of the grandones were born, it was the legs she checked first. No grandones with ‘chicken legs’. What a great opportunity to get to see Lily again…and a vacation in Germany, how fun!! hugs from Michigan, Pauline

  • Susan Sampson

    Hi, love the photo. Reminds me of birds sitting on their nest of eggs or being broody. Didn;t want to crunch the eggs with their legs.

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