Family & Friends

Germany, A Quick Trip

I’ve been in Germany for the past week visiting Lily!   I know I just saw her in June,  but when the opportunity came up to travel at the last-minute I took it!   That’s why I’ve been so quiet on the home front.  I had good intentions of blogging from there but of course it didn’t happen.

 This is Lily back in June when she turned 1-year-old.

This her just 2 months later.

She’s growing up so fast I can’t believe it.  Look at how long the curls are getting!  She’s traveling here at Christmas so I don’t have to wait to long to see her again.  She’s learning to speak both German and English and it’s so cute to listen to her talk. Her mom always speaks to her in German and her Dad always speaks English.  It seems to be working.

We spent time in Germany walking through many streets that looked just like these.  Lily loved our day trips to see the sights.

Many of the German towns were destroyed in the war, but you can still find some areas that were untouched.  Hundreds of years old, these buildings are so charming.  Narrow cobblestone streets lead the way and you can drive on them, one car at a time.

While I’ve been gone we completely sold out of our Snowman Pocket kit.  The wool is on back-order but It should arrive in early September.  You’ll be the first to know when it does.   You’ll find the free pattern on my blog under “Free Patterns”.  I’ll add it to our website soon, but first we have to spend some time fixing a few page issues we’ve been having.  I’m so glad you liked the free pattern!   We’ll do more of these in the future :>)


 The Twilight bundles of wool are finally back in stock.  If you’ve been waiting for one of these yummy bundles to add to your stash, we have them again.  You’ll find them here on our website.


I’ll be back again soon I promise.  I can’t wait to show you the bundles Kim’s been working on while I was gone!





  • Pat

    If I had a beautiful grand daughter like that I would drop everything and visit also. It is great that she is learning two languages. Sure wish my parents would have taught me how to speak Czech when I was growing up.

  • Laura K

    Oh how lucky you are! I was born in Frankfurt Germany but left to come to the U.S. when I was still a baby. I so wish I could go back and see it. It has been my lifelong dream. Alas finances won’t allow it. Maybe sometime in the future. I am glad you had a great time. That grandbaby of yours is awfully cute!

  • Sandra

    You can never see your grandchildren too much and at this age they grow and change so quickly. I love the blond curls my grandson (5) still had them Mama doesn’t want them cut and right now he doesn’t seem to care. Have a wonderful time. Blessings

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