Family & Friends

Live to dance?

We had a treat this past weekend.  We watched our granddaughters dance in their yearly recital. They’ve done competitive dance for the past 7 or 8 years.  They practice for hours every week, with only 6 weeks off during the summer.  The commitment is big, but both of them are dedicated.

My oldest granddaughter Michaela, is a medical miracle, and every time I watch her dance I’m reminded of this (she’s on the left in the photo below).  She was premature (3 1/2 lbs at birth).  When she was 4 she had a chest  x-ray for a cough that wouldn’t go away.  The radiologist discovered, quite by accident, that she has 3 fused discs in her spine.  She was referred to a spinal specialist, put through testing and she’s met with him every year for follow-up.  We all honestly expected the worst and she may still have some tough times ahead, but the doctor can’t believe her flexibility and growth.  He’s told us that he’s never seen anything like it and he attributes it directly to dancing.


Our younger granddaughter Alyssa is also a dancer.  She’s filled with the grace and movements of a ballerina.

Alyssa’s in the right front in the photo below.

 I say thank you in my prayers for what dancing has given to each of them.

I’ll  finally be doing some sewing with my granddaughters next week and we’ll start working on some more projects for Sewing with Kids.  Summer’s finally here!


  • Jackie Roisler

    Lovely is by far too weak a word to describe the photos and your grand-daughters pure joy revealed in their faces :)

  • Sandra

    Hi Anne they are beautiful pictures of your granddaughter’s . Dancing can help in so many things. My daughter was a ballerina and she had type one diabetes and it really helped to keep her blood sugars in check by dancing. Have fun sewing with them this summer. Blessings Sandra

  • Beth

    Hi Anne, These are beautiful pictures of beautiful girls! My daughter danced for 5 years when she was about that age – I don’t think I ever got pictures so close and clear! Just wanted to say, my 25 year old son was diagnosed about 4 years ago with a form of spinal arthritis that can lead to the spine fusing. He has been on Enbrel for the last few years and it has been a miracle. His pain is completely gone and his last MRI showed the damage done in the past had improved. I’ll be praying for your precious granddaughter and her health.

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