Fabrics,  Quilt Market,  Quilts

Kansas City Quilt Market

I’m home and it feels so good.  Kansas City was a wonderful host but there’s no place like home.   We spent 6 days in the Kansas City Convention Center in downtown Kansas City and I feel like I only know a teeny bit!  It’s huge and goes on for several blocks.

The downtown area is surrounded by tall buildings with many styles of architecture.

Of course the old buildings are always my favorite.

Sample Spree at any quilt market is a shopping frenzy.  People line up hours in advance to get in.  This was only the start of the line and it went on forever!  Quilter’s can shop like no one else and they proved it once again at Sample Spree!

I think we may have had more exhibitors this market than attendees.  The aisles were filled with creative booths, new designs and fabrics.  It was wonderful for the shop owners!

The first day of market is always the most exciting.  Here’s a few closeups of our booth…

I’m still writing patterns and I’ll get them on the website as I get them done.   My newest block of the month is in both fabric and wool…

It’s enough to drive you crazy isn’t it? Pumpkinville” is the fabric version and “Pumpkin Hollow” is the wool version.

I may be a little distracted for the next several weeks because guess who’s arriving from Germany today?

My granddaughter Lily arrives later today!  She’ll be here for 2 weeks. Her first birthday is on Saturday and we’ve ordered up a cake and a party!  She’s not had “sweets” so can you imagine what she’ll do with the cake?

I’ll be back as soon as I can to show you a few more market pictures and of course Lily pictures too!


  • Andrea

    I adore your booth, your new fabrics and your new patterns. I watched the Moda video you did, and I simply MUST make the alphabet baby quilt for my little Ella. I love the complimentary pillows also. Are you going to be selling kits for these at all? Have such fun with Lily!!

  • Barb

    I’m certain that you will have the most wonderful time with Lily (and isn’t it nice her parents are coming too??? Ha! Ha! Ha!). Please share lots of pictures.

    Your booth looks AMAZING! I wish I could have seen it in person. I think you told me before that Quilt Market is only open to the trades – correct?

    As for Pumpkinville and Pumpkin Hollow — oh my goodness! How will we ever decide which one to choose??? It looks sooo cute!

    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful 1st birthday weekend celebration!!

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