
Mother’s Day is also for ducks!

In all the craziness around here getting ready for market Chelsea and I still manage to take our morning walk.  She loves it, I love it and today a little mother duck loved it!

We live near a “wetland” area and Chelsea and I walk by it almost every day.  Today I noticed a duck in the street pacing back and forth by one of the street drains.  As I got closer I could hear her babies crying quacking and I realized they had fallen into the drain and the poor little mom was so stressed!

I called my husband and the fire department.  I knew one of them would come to the rescue and they both did!

 Here’s my husband and a fireman looking for the babies…

 The fire department put their ladder down in the drainage hole…

…and then decided what to do…

 One of the firemen went down into the drain and they handed him a canvas bag…

 …to scoop up the babies!

There’s nothing better than a fireman and a bag filled with baby ducks…

 He carried them over to where mom was anxiously waiting…

…the babies were released and mom and babies waddled off into the field.   Look at the center top of the picture below and you’ll see the mother.  The babies are right behind but the tall grass is hiding them.

 I think this just might be the best mother’s day present I’ve ever seen!

 Happy babies + happy mother = Happy Mother’s Day!



For me it’s back to writing patterns.  I’ll have something to show you soon I hope.  We leave on Tuesday for Kansas City!






  • Joanne Moore

    Make Way for Ducklings!! What a darling photo of a tote full of baby ducks!!! Not only did your adventures make that Mama Ducks Mothers Day wonderful but mine too with such a heartwarming story! I will be looking for some duckling inspired patterns from you somewhere down the road! This morning My walk with Cindybear involved two cottontale bunnies and a squirrel whose peaceful morning was discombobulated by an airedale pup! Thank you for taking the time to help those ducklings. How wonderful the firemen took the time to rescue them! What will you encounter tomorrow???!! Happy Mothers Day!

  • Michelle May

    Oh my gosh Anne! One of my readers told me I would love this post and yes indeed I do! I have been feeding the peeps in my yard. Soooooooooooo fabulous! One day I hope to meet you in person at quilt market. We have so very much in common.
    Hugs and happy Mother’s Day.
    Michelle and the Bunnies

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