Fabrics,  Quilt Market,  Quilts

What’s cooking at Bunny Hill?

Moda’s introducing something new with my Windsor Lane fabric line…Junior Jelly Rolls!  They are just the cutest, little, petite, baby Jelly Rolls ever.  They’re half the size of a regular Jelly Roll and half the price too!  I took a minute from sewing today to take a picture of “Junior” for you.  There I was in the front yard with my little pink cake stand, a pink Junior Jelly Roll, bench, camera and tripod, oblivious to the fact that my image was reflecting in the cake stand in every photo.  Photographer extraordinaire, that’s me.   It’s just been one of those days.  LOL!

What else is cooking at Bunny Hill?  Here’s a hint…quilt shops!  Two of them…one in wool and one in fabric.

What’s that about? How can there be 2 quilt shops?  I’ll show you very soon!

  I miss my blogging friends (that’s you) but I’ll be back to regular blogging soon.  Have a wonderful weekend.




  • Barb

    I can’t decide what I love the most??? The junior jelly roll is a wonderful idea; the “Quilt Shop” look too adorable – please don’t keep us in suspense too long; but what is even extra-fabulous is that beautiful, ruffled cake plate. Oh to die for one just like it!!! (and I love your reflection in it too)

    P.s. how is marcel doing???

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