Other Nice Things

Mollie Makes, Jeanne d’ Arc and Redwork Kits

Right in the middle of all the crazy sewing going on in the studio, Mollie Makes issue #13 and Jeanne d’ Arc Living May arrived! There’s always some excitement when that happens but when they both arrive on the same day it’s really hard to get any  work done.

Mollie Makes…

Just look at buttons on the cover of Mollie Makes!  Little red rose buttons that will be the perfect accent for a sewing project.  I don’t know how they think of what to include for cover projects but I sure do love them!

And the little pooches on the cover are so cute. Have any of you tried needlefelting?  I’ve always been a bit intimidated by those barbed needles but I’d forget about barbs for one of those little dogs.

Or, how about crochet and embroidery?  Just look at this granny square pillow made from scraps of yarn!  SCRAPS!  I had no idea I should be saving yarn scraps.  Directions are inside the magazine.

And little Japanese Embroidery patterns too!  Thank you Mollie Makes for another great issue!

Jeanne d’Arc Living May

Then sit back and relax while you skim the pages of  Jeanne d’Arc Living for the elegant side of life.  I’m always inspired by the decorating and gardening ideas and the May issue is delightful.  144 pages of beautiful articles and photos and NO advertising.  How on earth do they do it?

Redwork Raining Cats and Dogs Kit…

And last but not least we finally have a kit for Redwork Raining Cats and Dogs.  I’ve been waiting and waiting for fabric bundles to arrive.  This fabric is sold out at Moda but somehow they came to my rescue.  The bundles arrived this week and we’ve got  kits!  The kit includes everything you need to make the quilt except backing and floss.

Even the pattern is included, but if you have it already let us know and we’ll deduct it from the cost.

You’ll find Mollie, Jeanne and Redwork on my website.

It’s back to work.  Market it just around the corner and we’re still sewing away.  Can’t wait to show you what we’re sewing on!



  • mimi'sdarlins

    Oh, this has to be the best Mollie Makes issue yet, I want to make every project! Love the Cats & Dogs in redwork, too. My local shop is doing a BOM for the applique version, and also Tiny Town (I think maybe my favorite pattern of yours ever)! So many temptations, so little time… oh, and yes, how DO they produce a magazine with no advertising? Seriously?

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