Share your “reads” with me
Two of my favorite past-times: Looking through magazines or reading a good book. It’s what I do every evening to unwind from the day. I’m getting desperate for more books to read so if you’ve read a good book share it! Mysteries are my favorite but I’m open to any good book. I love a series so I can read on when I’m done with one book. I’m reading Lisa Gardener’s book called Catch Me. I’ve read almost all of James Paterson and the whole Stephanie Plum series from Janet Evanovich. I know there must be book lovers out there reading away and enjoy books I haven’t read. Help! (Yes, I read The Help LOL.)
One of my favorite magazines, Jeanne d’ Arc Living just arrived at our door! It’s such an expensive magazine that I normally only order special issues, but this month Jeanne d’ Arc surprised us all and reduced the cost of the magazine in the US to $13.95 per issue. This is about half of what it’s sold for in the past so I’ve added a few copies to our website . Jeanne d’ Arc is published in Norway and it’s a treat to find it in the US. Enjoy the photos (taken by the Jeanne d’Arc photographer…not me) as a sampling of what’s inside this beautiful magazine.

I can’t wait to hear about what you’re reading…I’ll keep a list so email me or leave a comment. Have a great day everyone!
Follow up: Here’s a PDF file of books you suggested: Books to read from my blog readers
Patti O'Donnell
I too love to read and a good mystery is always a way to stay up late turning pages!
Have you read Deborah Crombie’s series Duncan Kincade and Gemma James, excellent! Also another one I can’t not pick up the next installment is Julia Spencer-Flemming, I love this series!!!
To find which one is first you can use this website:
Of course quilt related the Beni Harper books by Earlene Fowler are light and fun! The one called Seven Sisters was very interesting. I have read some of the Elm Creek series and find I like the historical ones the most.
I also enjoy Karen White’s books. If you have a chance to listen to books you can even work on project and read at the same time. Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver is very good and a great listen at this time of year. I also like to listen each December Winter Solstice by Rosamund Pilcher. Her Shell Seekers is also great, well all that I read by Rosamund has been good. Oh and if you haven’t read The Mists of Avalon it is a must.
Just a few, PattiO
I second the Diana Gabaldon Outlander suggestion. And in that same historical fiction/romance genre is Sara Donati’s series beginning with Into the Wilderness ( which is complete now so you don’t have to wait for follow ups to be published).
Both these series are two of my favorites too!!
Nancy in IN
Be sure and read The Help. Excellent