Other Nice Things

Mollie Makes #12

Everything stops at Bunny Hill when Federal Express brings the new Mollie Makes.  It’s such a happy magazine and we love to pour through the pages.  Issue #12 arrived yesterday, a little early in the month!  It’s filled with ideas and projects for spring and Easter and I think you will love it!

I saw the Crochet Flower Brooch on the cover and I just wanted to stop working and make one!   Too cute and I can crochet!

Then we all saw the little felt lamas went crazy!  Aren’t they the cutest things ever?   The pattern is in the magazine.

Here’s an idea… As soon as we’re done with all the new market things we’ll host a Mollie Makes craft day.  It will be a big party and everyone at Bunny Hill will spend the day making something from a Mollie Makes magazine.  You can join in from home and make something too.  We’ll share pictures etc. through Pinterest, FaceBook and email.   Sounds like fun don’t you think?  I’ll let you know about the party in advance so you can join in.   Now, if I could just fit you all in my studio…

Mollie Makes Issue #12

Hope you love it as much as we do!


  • Lee Bowers

    Love your blog. I was so happy to hear someone wanting to read a new book….just finished a great one and looking for someone to recommend it to. I just finished “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. If you like “The Glass Castle” you will like this book. The waiting list at the library was huge over 200 requests and the book has been out since last summer. Going to be made into a movie….what else can I say??? Enjoy! Lee

  • jacqueline

    Hello sweet Anne, bunny hills is such a wonderful place to work…i wish i could be a crew there. :) The Mollie Makes day sounds really wonderful idea!! Have a wonderful sunday and love to you!

  • Barb

    Hi Anne!

    did you read about about Jeaneane in “American Patchwork & Quilting” (June 2012 issue – page 14)?

    Amazing and wonderful!

    (sorry about the above Comment! Obviously, I’m a bit ‘technology-challenged!)

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