

I sent my husband to the vet to pick up medicine for Bitsy and look what he brought home…

His name is Marcel…

…and he’s 7 years old.

His owner is in the hospital dying and Marcel needs a new home.  That’s all my husband had to hear… he brought Marcel home.

He’s very sweet, a little shy and he’s spent the last month at the vet just waiting for the right person to want him.  My husband thinks it was meant to be and there’s no doubt in his mind that Marcel was waiting for us.

Marcel’s had more than his share of hard times.  He once got caught in the engine of a car and he’s had some major surgery because of it.  It left him with a large chunk out of his hip area. We don’t mind a few imperfections.  It’s part of his charm.

Chelsea and Bitsy are really good with him but Mooch isn’t quite sure she likes him.  She puts up with him and I’m hoping she’ll come around.

Marcel hasn’t shared a house with other pets before but so far he’s doing just fine. He’s an amazing little black cat and I have totally fallen in love with him.

 I know it can’t be easy for a little cat to understand what’s happening but he seems to be settling in.  I hope he likes his new home :>)



  • Sandy G

    Marcel is very handsome. I think he looks like he belongs on a fall quilt. Welcome to quilt land Marcel, you lucky cat!
    One of my sisters and I let a black cat with those beautiful green eyes, follow us home one night, to my mothers dismay. We named her Panther, never thought about what sex she was. Panther turned out to be female. My mother had much empathy for her when she gave birth to eight little cuties. Panther was comforted much by my Mom.

  • Donna Liljegren

    Your husband is a real hero, and I’m sure that Marcel will come to know just what a wonderful family has taken him in to live out the rest of his days. I’m looking forward to seeing something beautiful that you’ll create in his honor! (Perhaps something NOT related to Halloween, as black cats always have such a hard time because of that association.) He’s going to love living with all of you!

  • Teresa in Music City

    What a sweet boy! I’m so glad you are able to give him a home. It breaks my heart to think of the cats and dogs that are homeless and alone or worse. Marcel looks very intelligent and very loving too. I’m sure he will give you many years of love!!!

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