
Warning! Watch out for the Dresden Bug!

This little bug can be hazardous.  She may look innocent, but once you get her she’ll give you Dresden fever…

…and then look at what can happen!

   Kim came to work today and collapsed.  She collapsed from the weight of all the Dresden Plates she made over the weekend. She got the bug!

Plates were flying everywhere in the studio.  Poor Chelsea tried to help but didn’t really know what to do…

It all started when the bug got into Kim’s sewing room.  That bug made her so feverish she couldn’t stop sewing…not even to fix dinner for her poor family.


She’s been sewing all weekend and her husband told me he thinks she’s even ordered more fabric.

  I made Chelsea stay with her today because Chelsea’s had all her shots!  I hope this isn’t contagious.

I’ve never seen so many Dresden Plates in my life!  Dang bugs!  We may never get any work done.  :>)


  • maria do carmo pezzuto

    Já chegou aqui no Brasil também.Tenho até onde contei…300 placas só faltando miolo,e mais 2 caixas de lâminas cortadas .Juro que não sei onde isso vai parar,se é que vai….Hilariante este poste ,obrigada.BEIJOS.

  • Marcia

    You know this could turn into a Pandemic. Quick call the CDC. I feel a need for a”Quarantine” coming on. Proper medications include plent of fabric, thread, sewing machine and hot chocolate. It may take some time to fully recover. Please extend my sympathies to the family of the afflicted. Only time will see them through this critical phase.

    Best of luck on a less than full recovery. :)

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