
Vintage Treasures

We all seem to love those vintage treasures, especially when they happen to be quilts.   Since many of us are working on our Dresden quilts I thought you might enjoy seeing pictures of a few vintage ones today.

I was lucky enough to find this one on eBay last year for $28.00!

My friend Nancy found this beauty in Sisters Oregon.  I’m not sure what she paid for it but something tells me it was more than $28.00.

It’s pieced with wool, silk and cotton, and embroidered with floss and yarn!


Just look how sweet this one of Nancy’s is…

Sometimes you can find unfinished blocks like these…

…Or, maybe you’ll find a few finished blocks…

…with a stack of other blocks waiting to be completed. (I bought these on eBay last year.)

Vintage quilts are waiting to be discovered and part of the fun is in the hunt!

Wonder if there’s a vintage quilt on eBay just waiting for you!  Wouldn’t hurt to have a look!



UPDATE:  I had Pinterest spelled wrong in my newsletter.  I wrote it 100 times on a piece of paper and FINALLY I know how to spell it!

Please follow me on Pinterest not Pintrest.

Please follow Moda on Pinterest too!


  • mimi'sdarlins

    These are all beautiful, Anne! I’m always pleased to see quilts or blocks that someone has rescued. I have a friend who has collected many quilts and tops from garage sales, and usually for just a few dollars (literally), because the owners didn’t appreciate their value. The ones that surprise me are those that someone’s mom or grandmother made, and they just want to be rid of them….I can’t even imagine!! I’m just glad there are enough of us (like Peg, above) who do appreciate how precious these items are. Thanks for sharing :)

  • Peg Botham

    Wonderful finds, delicious quilt blocks. I was lucky enough to find several vintage quilts and blocks a couple of years ago. As well as the beauty of them it was the history behind them, I don’t know the people, they’re from another continent, at least two of them are made with fabric from shirts & dresses from family members. I didn’t pay large amounts some of them needed repairs but I don’t care I love them. I feel privileged to be working on something our American cousins made or started :0)

    I love visiting you I never go away disappointed.

    Peg x

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