Other Nice Things

Can I interest you in a tattoo?

Can I interest you in a tattoo?  Wait!  Before you say no (or yes) take a look at these!  You’ll find them in the latest issue of Mollie Makes (#10) which arrived at Bunny Hill today!  Embroidered tattoos!  They had me when I saw the wood hoops to display them…so cute!

And how about this not so “granny” square throw? Hurry, grab some yarn!  Says it’s beginner friendly!

This issue of Mollie Makes is filled with great craft ideas and look at what they’ve included on the cover!  Sweet house ribbon!  House ribbon to use in a craft, or tie up a package.

Mollie, you make reading magazines so much fun!

Dang, where did I put those old spools?

Back soon,




  • Donna Liljegren

    I’ve been ordering ribbons from Anna at lillalotta on Etsy for a couple of years. She does amazing art on twill ribbon and everything arrives so quickly from overseas! (You’d love her things, Anne!) Thanks for sharing more about Molly Makes. I love the magazine and the more I see, the more I like!

  • Lynda

    Isn’t this the sweetest magazine? I have to jump on it when it appears at the bookstore, as there aren’t a lot of copies. And yes, you certainly may interest me in a tattoo, as well as that fantastic Granny afghan!

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