
Chelsea Writes to Santa

Dear Santa,

I’ve been waiting for you to come all week. 

I’ve been watching out the window just in case you come a little early.

I heard them talking about me in the studio and someone said I’ve gotten “chunky”!

  PLEASE don’t listen to them Santa!

Bitsy told me you carry treats in your sleigh that you leave for good dogs.

Santa, I’ve been a good dog all year!

I’ll be dreaming of treats you tonight Santa and hoping that you come.  


Chelsea XXXOOO


  • anna & chip

    Oh Bitsy..I have a darling bunny Chip who has a an adorable `big ol butt fuzzy butt’.. Sometimes the family makes fun of his `big ol butt’because Chip does really loves his food & treats a bit *too* much. :0) and he may be a wee bit `LARGER’ than he should for a `mini rex’ :0) But I learned that he is such a happy fellow that why dont we people take a lesson from the animal word in our short lives? instead of being sooo worried about our `big ol butts’ embrace them like Chip & be happy… not so sad & glum. Things could be worse. I am making my family stop teasing Chip so his self esteem is not effected & he continues to be a happy soul sharing joy-even with a fuzzy big butt :0)… yeah we can `watch’ or switch’ foods even dance for joy more often to help out but maybe some `roundness’ is just bound to happen & being like the Greek statues is better than looking anemic…. go fuzzy butts…. & smiling faces.

  • denise copeland

    Hello Anne,
    I am reading your blog for the first time. I wanted to comment because I have some experience with canine mast cell tumors that might be of help.

    For the past fifteen years my husband and I have been adopting special needs seniors, the unadoptable ones, and providing them with a loving forever home and the best medical support we can find. Our first senior that we adopted had canine mast cell tumors. She also had kidney disease and crippling arthritis. I know that her rescue had considered euthanizing her – but she had such a will to life. We wanted to provide every opportunity for a pain free life. We took her to a vet that practices Eastern as well as Western medicine. When she first came home to us she could not walk further than a couple of feet. After two acupuncture treatments she was very mobile – and out of pain. That in and of itself was a miracle. She began to go on short walks that she initiated. The vet also provided Chinese herbal medicine. We also addressed her nutritional needs and provided home cooked, nutritionally balanced food that addressed the cancer as well as the kidney disease. Additionally, we addressed the kidney disease by giving her daily subcutaneous fluids. Her quality of life became quite good. Before she came to us, she had been living outside, like Bitsy, and she so much appreciated a soft bed, loving care, and being out of the elements. Because she was enjoying her life so, we did everything that we could to compensate for her previous life of neglect and pain. For two years she did amazingly well. Unfortunately she developed lymphoma. I do believe that the Chinese herbs and nutrition were quite effective in dealing with her canine mast cell cancer. She was actually able to battle the cancer – it was her heart and her kidneys that ended her battle two years later.

    This past spring our Maizy, a puppy mill survivor, developed a canine mast cell tumor. Our wonderful vet removed it and had North Carolina State teaching hospital do the biopsy and provide recommendations. (I believe that this service was at no cost.) Like Bitsy, they thought that the margins were too narrow. They classified it as Stage II. Rather than do a second surgery, NC State recommended that Maizy receive prednisone therapy for about three months. It was a low dose and she tolerated it very well. There was no excessive drinking or urination. It has been six months and she has had no other tumors appear. Maizy is very strong – even though she is twelve. I believe that the prednisone therapy was quite effective. If she were to have another tumor, I do believe I would begin some alternative therapies – the Chinese herbs. In the mean time, I am addressing her nutritional needs through a home cooked diet.

    Anne, I hope this information is helpful. The point that I am trying to make is that there are some options in dealing with canine mast cell – including diet and alternative therapies. I cannot underemphasize the incredible transformation that the acupuncture and Chinese herbs made in helping a little soul who was in such bad shape. The change was nothing short of a miracle. The prednisone therapy seems to have been effective for Maizy.

    I cannot tell you how it touches my heart to know how you saved and transformed Bitsy’s life.

    Wishing you many blessings,
    Denise Copeland

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