
Chelsea Writes to Santa

Dear Santa,

I’ve been waiting for you to come all week. 

I’ve been watching out the window just in case you come a little early.

I heard them talking about me in the studio and someone said I’ve gotten “chunky”!

  PLEASE don’t listen to them Santa!

Bitsy told me you carry treats in your sleigh that you leave for good dogs.

Santa, I’ve been a good dog all year!

I’ll be dreaming of treats you tonight Santa and hoping that you come.  


Chelsea XXXOOO


  • Linda M.

    Chelsea, I know you will get your treats for Christmas. Who could resist such a sweet note to Santa and that absolutely darling little face. Merry Christmas Chelsea.

  • Julie Zaloudek

    Dear Chelsea,
    You have been a VERY good dog, and not to worry. I am sure Santa will bring you treats. You are not chunky–you just have short legs and carry your weight differently.

  • Patricia G

    Chelsea, of course Santa will come and give you special treats. Your mommy ad daddy said you were such a little angel this year.
    Love reading these fun items about you that your mommy writes. Keep up the good work all of you. Henrietta is awaiting to be turned into a reality soon, maybe sooner than I wish.

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