
Chelsea Writes to Santa

Dear Santa,

I’ve been waiting for you to come all week. 

I’ve been watching out the window just in case you come a little early.

I heard them talking about me in the studio and someone said I’ve gotten “chunky”!

  PLEASE don’t listen to them Santa!

Bitsy told me you carry treats in your sleigh that you leave for good dogs.

Santa, I’ve been a good dog all year!

I’ll be dreaming of treats you tonight Santa and hoping that you come.  


Chelsea XXXOOO


  • Annelies

    Chunky….that just can’t be. I guess it is hard to call someone chunky when they are chunky too. I am hoping Santa brings us BOTH treats. Hugs sweet one and tell you Mommy “Merry Christmas” from me!!!! XXX

  • Mary

    Oh Merry Christmas Chelsea…I just know that Santa will be good to you because you are a sweet little girl :) I so miss our dear little old pug Alsley – Christmas just won’t be the same without him. I hope you and your family have a wonderful day and a happy new year.

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