
Cat naps

  If you make a quilt the cat will find it…

I set the redwork quilt on my desk, walked away for a minute and Mooch took possession.  She was very upset when I made her get off and she protested loudly.  She didn’t care that I had to get it in the mail!  I should know by now that cats rule the house, cat naps are very important and…

 …if you make a quilt the cat will find it.  Every time!

Back soon with blocks for Jeaneane.


  • Joanne Moore

    Amen. As soon as i lay squares out to come the cats who then do tazmanian dirvishes thru them and sent them flying. As soon as a layer of batting hits the backing to sandwhich a quilt, here they come and plop themselves in the middle. machine quilting is enough of a workout let alone when a cat is attached to some quadrant of the quilt. they do love to sit at my feet while I sew. this evening Elliot Cat went to heaven. dear Elliot who would love to inturrupt my sewing with gentle taps to my leg that would progress in force until he would stick a claw in my thigh. i am sure St. francis welcomed him tonight in spite of his terrorist activities. now I just have Stewart who at 15 still loves to knock my pin box and cup of water for the iron onto the floor. Cats love quilts and are therefore extremely SMART!

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