
Cat naps

  If you make a quilt the cat will find it…

I set the redwork quilt on my desk, walked away for a minute and Mooch took possession.  She was very upset when I made her get off and she protested loudly.  She didn’t care that I had to get it in the mail!  I should know by now that cats rule the house, cat naps are very important and…

 …if you make a quilt the cat will find it.  Every time!

Back soon with blocks for Jeaneane.


  • Marcia

    Awww that looks like a real snuggle bunny. My beagles like to fluff their way under my quilts while I do my handwork. Gotta love em!

  • shannyn

    LOL my two cats can’t WAIT for the sandwiching time….the only place I can lay out my quilts to baste them together is the living room floor…and they love nothing better to zoom out from the kitchen and sliiiiiiiiide on the quilt top….and then get under it. And then lie on it. And then sleep on it. And then it starts again.

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