
Cat naps

  If you make a quilt the cat will find it…

I set the redwork quilt on my desk, walked away for a minute and Mooch took possession.  She was very upset when I made her get off and she protested loudly.  She didn’t care that I had to get it in the mail!  I should know by now that cats rule the house, cat naps are very important and…

 …if you make a quilt the cat will find it.  Every time!

Back soon with blocks for Jeaneane.


  • Carol Lewis

    That’s so funny. When we get up out of our seat on the couch or chair my dog steals our place instantly. When will this redwork pattern be available? I love redwork. I did the Rabbits Prefer Embroidery and I’m anxious to do this one.

  • Sandra

    How true!! If I even lay a piece of fabric on the bed or beside the machine, anything to do with my quilts Zeus is on and napping and doesn’t like to be moved.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    My cats were the same way with my quilts….they also LOVED my chenille bedspread! And any time I brought home new fabrics, I would unfold them and pile them on the floor so my little Max could snuggle in :)

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