
Cat naps

  If you make a quilt the cat will find it…

I set the redwork quilt on my desk, walked away for a minute and Mooch took possession.  She was very upset when I made her get off and she protested loudly.  She didn’t care that I had to get it in the mail!  I should know by now that cats rule the house, cat naps are very important and…

 …if you make a quilt the cat will find it.  Every time!

Back soon with blocks for Jeaneane.


  • Lynette

    hehe :D Yep! I’ve found that the only thing better than a quilt is a quilt in a box that you’re packing and leave open to go find something at the other end of the house. . .

  • Andrea

    The same holds true for my blocks on the ironing board. I try to deter Bella from going on the ironing board, you know, with the whole hot iron issue, but she insists on parking herself on my blocks =) My dog (a Lhasa) also will seek out any quilt I have on chairs, beds etc and position herself upon it like Miss Muffet on her Tuffet =)

  • LeAnn Keenan

    Man, is that the truth! Teddy once tried to sit on my quilt while I was attaching the binding. Then when I made him get off, he started playing with the binding strip. If the binding on that quilt is straight, it’s a miracle. Mooch is a great cat name, by the way.

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