Other Nice Things

The nicest people read my blog!

Thank you to each and everyone of you who read my blog.  You are some of the nicest people I know.  I’ve seen your kindness everyday when I get the mail.  The blocks for Jeaneane are wonderful and it amazes me to see them all!

I need a bit more time to photograph the blocks and pull together the prize drawing but I’ll get it done soon!  Jeaneane is going to have so much fun looking at all of the blocks you’ve made!  I’ll be sharing them and announcing the prize winners very soon!

As December races by, I’ve spent most of my time trying to finish my new Redwork Raining Cats and Dogs quilt.  I haven’t had time to do much decorating, shopping or blogging because of these little critters.  I added the final little cross stitches to the quilt last night and by Monday it will be off to the quilter.  The beautiful stitching you see on the block below was done by my friend Pauline.  She has a giveaway on her blog right now and you might want to enter!


Today I’ll be spending time with my granddaughters, decorating, baking and maybe even sewing if we have time.  I just can’t wait!  Have a great weekend everyone!  You are just the best!




  • Barb

    Maybe you think of your readers like we think of you — like we hit the ‘blog jackpot’ when we found Bunny Hill and the most amazing, creative, generous woman behind it!

    I can’t wait to see all the blocks that your readers sent for Jeaneane and I can’t wait to see the redwork Raining Cats and Dogs!! the suspense is about to kill me )especially since red is my favorite color.)

    Have a wonderful day with your granddaughters!

  • Tammy Edwards

    Have a wonderful, fun filled, full of love and hugs kinda day with your granddaughters . You are such a great roll model for them.
    My granddaughter and I just finished making your Pumpkin Pie Quilt, I wish you could have seen how proud she was when she wrote her name on the little label we put on the quilt. It`s a Christmas gift for her mommy and daddy.
    Not only do you make all of our lives beautiful with your talent but you are kind and generous and the world is a better place because of people like you.
    I love the sneak peeks of your new redwork quilt…such beautiful work!
    Give yourself some time off, you sooo deserve it.
    Have a Merry Christmas and I wish you and your family much love and happiness.

    Tammy :0)

  • Kristen

    Enjoy the time with the sweet granddaughters.

    Love seeing the raining cats and dogs blocks and can’t wait to see what it looks like all done.

    Back to lurking and learning.


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