Quilt Market

Quilt Market was fun!

 Henrietta climbs up the Eiffel Tower in the Bunny Hill Booth!

It’s a good thing she did or she might have been sold as a sample.  Poor squirrel.

The Eiffel tower that Henrietta’s climbing came from Restoration Hardware Baby and I used it as a prop in our booth.  It’s a card or photo holder so I put it in the crib and collected business cards.  One lucky shop owner is going to win a Bunny Hill gift.

My new fabric Ooh La La, was made into crib bedding…

…and the vintage crib with it’s chipped paint made an appearance again..

Of course we had quilts in our booth…

…for little girls…

…and little boys…

…and big girls too!

This coming weekend Karla from Sweetwater will be teaching at Holly Hill Quilt Shop in West Linn, Oregon along with me, Debbie from Wooden Spool Designs, and Terri of Sweet Treasures.   Can you imagine the fun we’re going to have?  Wish you could all join us!  The theme is Christmas and the fun starts Saturday!

Since I’ll be in Portland this weekend I won’t get to make a centerpiece like Blackbird had in their booth.  Dang, I wanted it for my Thanksgiving table!


Here’s a closeup in case you want to make one without me…twinkle lights, white pumpkins, and branches in a beautiful wire basket.  Just to have these white pumpkins would be such a treat.  Oh and if you see an extra wire basket like this one let me know.

And talk about pumpkins, Sandy Klop of American Jane wrapped hers in jelly roll strips!  How cute is that?

I’ve promised my granddaughters some special sewing and cooking time after I return and I’m really looking forward to it.  Chelsea, Bitsy and Mooch are a little mad that I’m going away again this soon after market.  I’ve been giving extra attention to them all week trying to make up for it.  Something tells me it will never be enough!

I’ll be back soon.  Have a great weekend!




  • Sandra

    Ann I don’t think our pets ever have enough of our time. My cat Zeusie gets so jealous every time my Grandson comes over and that is three days a week. He has little ways he likes to pay me back with for what he things is lack of attention.
    Sounds like a fun session in Portland. I bet your grandchildren are looking forward to time with you sewing.
    Have a good week. Blessings Sandra

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, have a wonderful time in Portland and be sure you bring your furry babies extra treats home…that always makes mine smile (so to speak, LOL). Great pictures, thanks so much for sharing your time at Market with us. Hugs…

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