Quilt Market

Quilt Market Color

International Quilt Market is always so exciting!  Twice a year unbelievable talent comes together under one roof and you can’t help but be inspired!  Walking the aisles = mind overload;  new things are everywhere.  Getting away from my booth to see things can be challenging but oh so much fun!  My focus this time was on color…beautiful, beautiful color…


Can you stand it?  Don’t you want to just dig your hands into those buttons and cut yourself some trims?  I got carried away in the Valdani booth with all that pearl cotton and floss.  I may have to get a job working for Valdani just so I can get my fill of those balls of color.  I’d never get a paycheck because I’d spend it all before it reached my hands!  Good thing this only happens twice a year.  I could end up in the poor house for bunnies!

Back soon to show you my booth…




  • Grandma Shell

    #1 Will Holly Hill have the Mery, Merry Snowmen kits? They are just down the big river from me! #2 Yes, that’s EXACTLY what I was thinking as I scrolled down through the photos. My hands were just itching to dig into those bins of loose buttons!! It must be a genetic thing because I collect buttons and my DGD, aka The Young Princess, always wants to “look” at the buttons.

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