Family & Friends,  Photography

Lily’s at Grandma’s!

One thing for sure, it’s all about baby at Bunny Hill!  As I look around there are baby things everywhere.  Amazing how these tiny little beings bring such life to a family!  Just look at her, isn’t she precious?

To say I’m having fun with my granddaughter would be an understatement.

At 3 months old she has my heart forever.  I wish the smiles, cooing, and blowing bubbles could go on forever.

Lily is here until October.  She’ll be going on some trips with mom and dad and staying at Grandma’s house in-between trips.  I’m in heaven!  She’s my new Bunny Hill Baby!  Wonder what I can dream up for her!

Back soon!




  • faye aka Mimi

    Yes, grandbabies are the best! But I will tell you, they grow way too fast and it is amazing how you will now tick the time away watching them grow. I have a 2, 4 and 7 year old and I can’t believe the oldest has been around that long. I remember holding this tiny little boy and now he is correcting me!!! Enjoy. She is beautiful.

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