Family & Friends

Tomorrow is Miss Lily Day!

This box is sitting in middle of my table.  Can you guess what this means?  Miss Lily, my new granddaughter arrives from Germany tomorrow!  Yeah!!!! I want to parade around singing I’m so excited! Because she’s so little she gets the bassinet seat on Lufthansa!  It’s reserved for little ones like her so she can lay down and sleep.  Kind of like flying first class!

It’s the first time I’ll be able to hold her!  She’ll be using her new US passport and I hope Customs welcomes her with open arms and gets her through quickly!  Keep your fingers crossed that she gets a “welcome to the US Miss Lilly”!

Earlier today my friend Anne (who has a little quilt show of her own going) sent me a link to the most amazing quilt.  You HAVE to  see this quilt because it’s amazing!  Truly!  Really!  Amazing!  Take some time to visit Cupcakes ‘n Daisies blog and look at the red & white quilt she designed.  Did I say this quilt is amazing?  Be sure and leave a comment.  Thelma deserves hundreds of them!

I’ve had 3 surprises in the mail this week.  Three of my sweet, sweet blog readers have done a block for Jeanneane!  If you want to know what I’m talking about read this post from August 15th.  And now that I have several blocks in my hand I’ve decided to make this “sew a block for Jeanneane” a little more exciting.  How about a mystery prize and everyone who sends me a 8″ block for Jeanneane will be entered to win.  I’m not sure exactly what the prize will be yet, but you know I do some great giveaways.   Just think, 3 people are entered in this contest already!  Odds are pretty good right now that one of them is going to win, so keep those blocks coming if you want to be entered too!

Have a great weekend everyone!  I’ll be back with some pictures of Lily!




  • Barbara Rohrbeck

    Oh I think all of us can hardly wait to see pix of Sweet Miss Lily! I can only imagine how excited you must! (Won’t it be fun to see your son and new DIL too?). how will you sleep tonight with all of this excitment? best wishes for a wonderful visit!

    Now I ‘m going to see The quilt! thanks!

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