
Oh that beautiful bird!

I see an eagle every so often but never in mass.   My husband and son saw eagles every day on their fishing trip to Englefield Bay, British Columbia. I hope you enjoy these photos taken by our son.

The eagles sit in the trees and wait for the fishing boats to return.  When the fish are cleaned the show begins…

This has to be nature at it’s best.  I would have paid to see this show!  Oh that’s right, I did!

What we do for pictures like this and a freezer full of salmon…













  • Barb

    Wonderful photos! (I think the experience of seeing them in person was worth every penny.)

    They really are magnificent creatures, aren’t they?

    Thanks for sharing these pictures with us.

  • Andrea

    Seeing these pictures sure makes me miss home (born and raised in BC, but now living in Alberta). In veterinary school, I belonged to a wild bird club and we treated many Bald and Golden Eagles. When we had to catch them in their enclosure, for treatments, we had to wear a full face shield, protective clothing and massive leather gloves. Even protected like that, they were so frightening as they are huge, and their talons and beaks are incredibly powerful. Then imagine trying to collect a blood sample while having to hold one down….yikes! I’ll take a scratching/hissing cat over that any day! An incredible creature!

    • Anne

      It must have taken two people! I can’t even imagine being that close to one and trying to help it. What an experience that must have been.

      Hope you are loving your new home!

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