
Oh that beautiful bird!

I see an eagle every so often but never in mass.   My husband and son saw eagles every day on their fishing trip to Englefield Bay, British Columbia. I hope you enjoy these photos taken by our son.

The eagles sit in the trees and wait for the fishing boats to return.  When the fish are cleaned the show begins…

This has to be nature at it’s best.  I would have paid to see this show!  Oh that’s right, I did!

What we do for pictures like this and a freezer full of salmon…













  • Sunny

    These photos are absolutely awesome! I watch an Eagle Cam near here each spring, from the time eggs are laid until the eaglets fledge. So interesting to watch. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  • Judy C in NC

    I watched a live stream of an Eagle’s nest in Hampton Roads, Virginia this Spring and I have never been so interested in anything for a long time. They are absolutely beautfiul creatures and for them to have seen all this in person has to be one of the best memory makers. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. Judy C in NC

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