Family & Friends


I’ve been shopping over at Dreamy Whites and I have to show you what I bought!  I may have to have to start making cookies for the UPS man.  He’s been hauling the strangest size boxes up to the door.  I LOVE Maria’s blog “Dreamy Whites” and I love her decorating style but most of all I just can’t resist her shop.

Here’s my purchase this week…this old grape container…

The first thing I thought of when I saw it was fabric storage!  After it arrived (UPS man struggled getting it to the door) DH scrubbed it clean and carried it up to the studio for me.  The old Bistro chair that I bought from Maria several weeks ago sits next to it.  DH wants to re-paint the chair so much but he’s been warned not to get near it.  He doesn’t understand the old, worn, vintage look and chances are you’ll see this old chair on the cover of a few patterns in the future.

Now for Some Moda Fun

For a bit of MODA fun, click here and hop over to read about the “Go Fly A Kite” contest!  You could win PRIZES.  Yes, PRIZES.  Wait!  Don’t go yet until you see this next picture I have to share!  Karen Schiltz won third place with her version of “A Tisket, A Tasket” and you have to see it!  Ready?

A Prize Winning Quilt

Enlarge the picture so you can look at the quilting.  It’s just beautiful!  Congratulations Karen!

OK, now you can hop on over to the Moda website.  Or, if you already did I’ll never believe it because I’m sure the word “prize” wouldn’t lure you away go directly to their Facebook page and “like” them!

Hope you’re having a great week!







  • Andrea

    I love Dreamy Whites too! I love the idea of using the grape container for fabric storage. I have my eye on an old wooden trough that would be perfect in the family room, filled with quilts…may just have to head out and buy it!

  • mimi'sdarlins

    I love that Dreamy Whites blog! I just keep sighing the whole time I’m browsing :)
    Congrats to Karen, I saw her quilt when she posted in the flickr group and couldn’t believe my eyes…well deserved win!

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