Family & Friends

The Newest Love in my Life

Lily arrived on Thursday!  Here she is 1 1/2 hours old peeking at the world…

I got the call from my son in Germany telling me she had arrived around 5:30 in the morning and I haven’t stopped smiling since!  Amazing how much happiness a new granddaughter can bring!  Lily won’t remember being 1 1/2 hours old but I’ll never forget! Everything I do lately reminds me of her!

Lily is my newest inspiration.  Who knows where it will lead?  Welcome to the world my sweet little granddaughter!


Your Grandmother :>)


  • Angela

    Hi Anne..
    Babies are a coming in Germany. My son and daughter in law gave me my newest Grandson on Wednesday May 25,2011. He is a cutie and not being able to see him in person is hard. SKYPE will have to do for now. Congratulations.

  • Linda P.

    Well, duh!! I read this the other day, and couldn’t figure out where to say how absolutely beautiful she is !! What a wonderful feeling to have a granddaughter!! I have double the pleasure!! Congratulations!!

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