Family & Friends

The Newest Love in my Life

Lily arrived on Thursday!  Here she is 1 1/2 hours old peeking at the world…

I got the call from my son in Germany telling me she had arrived around 5:30 in the morning and I haven’t stopped smiling since!  Amazing how much happiness a new granddaughter can bring!  Lily won’t remember being 1 1/2 hours old but I’ll never forget! Everything I do lately reminds me of her!

Lily is my newest inspiration.  Who knows where it will lead?  Welcome to the world my sweet little granddaughter!


Your Grandmother :>)


  • Sandi

    Congratulations! Grandchildren are the best. I always thought children made your life complete until I had grandchildren…now my life is complete!

  • Jean C.

    Truely Congratulations are in order! Aren’t they the most wonderful little beings there ever were? And it’s just soooo different than when we had our own children! Hopefully you will get to see her in the flesh really soon!
    Glad that the weather was good while you were here in Utah… it sure hasn’t been very good since!
    We have had close to 5 inches of rain just in May! A new record! Yep, and there are tons of people that are having their basements flooded too…
    Hopefully Summer will be here soon… but not too hot… that would bring down the snow faster than we want!

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