Family & Friends

The Newest Love in my Life

Lily arrived on Thursday!  Here she is 1 1/2 hours old peeking at the world…

I got the call from my son in Germany telling me she had arrived around 5:30 in the morning and I haven’t stopped smiling since!  Amazing how much happiness a new granddaughter can bring!  Lily won’t remember being 1 1/2 hours old but I’ll never forget! Everything I do lately reminds me of her!

Lily is my newest inspiration.  Who knows where it will lead?  Welcome to the world my sweet little granddaughter!


Your Grandmother :>)


  • Lorraine Isaac

    Congratulations, she is beautiful, what fun sewing for her you will have, My son just told me they think the are pregnant(Jan), they have my one and only granddaughter, best of luck to all of you

  • Delcia

    So sweet! What a beautiful gift! What a wonderful joy she is and will continue to be. And it will be “sew” sweet what you will be doing for Lily with your creativity.

  • annalee

    Oh such a doll!! Congratulations Anne !!!! Will you be going for a visit anytime soon?
    I am tickled `Pink’ for you :>) and delighted everyone is healthy and beautiful and happy
    thanks for sharing with us.
    (((bunny hugs)))

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