Family & Friends

The Newest Love in my Life

Lily arrived on Thursday!  Here she is 1 1/2 hours old peeking at the world…

I got the call from my son in Germany telling me she had arrived around 5:30 in the morning and I haven’t stopped smiling since!  Amazing how much happiness a new granddaughter can bring!  Lily won’t remember being 1 1/2 hours old but I’ll never forget! Everything I do lately reminds me of her!

Lily is my newest inspiration.  Who knows where it will lead?  Welcome to the world my sweet little granddaughter!


Your Grandmother :>)


  • Ahuva

    Hi Anne,
    Congratulations on your new grand daughter. Remember we commented (when you came home from your son’s wedding in Germany) that my son also lived in Europe (Zwitzerland)?
    My grand daughter is today 11 months old and they have already been some 3 times to Sao Paulo (Brazil) to visit. It is amazing to have Sophie with us. I wish that you have lots of love from her and from your son and daughter in law, ’cause I know that you will have a lot to give them too.
    Take care

  • Laura K

    Oh congratulations! She is absolutely adorable. I was just telling my DH that someone we know needs to have another baby so I can snuggle with it. My baby is 4 1/2 so it has been too long since I have held a wee little one. Luckily my 4 year old likes to snuggle but since we are done with our family someone else is going to have to provide me with a baby to kiss and hug! You are a lucky Grandma!

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