Quilt Market

The Beautiful Ones

I’m immediately enticed by applique.  I can spot an applique quilt across a stadium (assuming I have my glasses on and I can find a stadium…haven’t been to many but market must be about the size of one!)  I saw this quilt the minute I walked in the door…can’t believe I didn’t get a full photo!  I think I was too excited about the applique!


The flowers were cross-stitched by hand…

…and just look at the quilting!

Right next to this beauty was this one with the backing painted to match the front…

…and the quilting was amazing!

Of course this was my favorite because of the subject…enlarge this photo and you’re in for a treat!

I finally thought to take a photo of the information on the quilt…

Then across the way this beauty caught my eye…see the pink?

I walked up for some close-up shots…


…now read the sign! You won’t believe it!

Congratulations to the artists who had a quilt in the special exhibit section!  They were stunning!

Of course every good thing must end…

with the traditional Moda photo…

…and tear down.  It’s so much faster to take a booth down than it is to put it up!

Salt Lake you were so gracious and beautiful!

…thank you for your hospitality!  At the end of it all we were so tired it was good to be on the plane home!

Oh wait!  I forgot to show you another cute little group and do some giveaways!

Coming next post…




  • Deborah Hays

    Oh Anne…… thank you so much for sharing! I absolutely loved the quilting, applique, design….. EVERYTHING on each of these quilts. The talent out there never ceases to catch me off guard and amaze me! When I see all that is out there it again inspires me to get busy and start creating something myself. You’re a dear. Debbie

  • Andrea

    amazing quilts! My Husbands aunt is an avid art quilter, with her pieces in museums accross Canada. Her work is incredible, and awe inspiring, as are the ones that you have shown in your post!

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