Quilt Market

Let’s walk around!

Creativity and inspiration are everywhere at Quilt Market.  It’s almost sensory overload!  I always come back so inspired, I love it!

Barb and Mary from Me and My Sister were right next to us and their booth was FILLED with creativity!

Barb said it took 7 yards of fabric to crochet this beautiful headboard for their bed.  And what a genius husband that made the actual bed from pipes!

Barb and Mary played hopscotch on this darling quilt.  Have you ever seen anything so cute?  Yes, Barb and Mary are cute too, but I’m talking about the quilt!

I’ve admired Christina Strutt of Cabbages and Roses fame forever.  She’s written several vintage style decorating books, has shops in the UK and now a new shop in Tokyo!  She was right across from me at market and I was in heaven!

I already own all her books and I came home with a bundle of her new fabric line for Moda.

You’ll be seeing some of this fabric around my house.  I can’t wait to make something from it!

Kate (Christina’s daughter) Cheryl (design director for Moda) and Christina…


Next to Christina was Aneela Hoey with the wonderful little embroideries that I just adore, not to mention her newest fabric!


And Kaari Meng, French General fame!


And the ever so talented Kathy Schmitz..

Painting the floor of her booth!

Do you recognize these darling clothes?

Oliver + S of course!

I hope you’re enjoying the pictures.  I’ll be back with more next post and I’m going to tell you about the “hottest” new item at market!

Have a great weekend!



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