Quilt Market

Nighty Night in the Bunny Hill Booth

A sea of white and gray that goes forever.  Sounds beautiful doesn’t it?  Dream away because arrival at the convention center is never a pretty sight. The sea of white…polyester curtains.  The sea of gray…steel poles.  Then someone throws in some purple carpet.

Sometimes I arrive with a plan for the booth but not this time.  We had extra help from Pauline and Pam who I met through blogging! They worked so hard to help us figure out what to do.  They held quilts as I stood back and gave the thumbs up or down.  They went up and down that ladder too many times to count and we were thankful to have their help.

Finally we pulled it all together!   I couldn’t have done it without my best friend Anne Bryson.  She’s moving to a beautiful new home tomorrow and yet she still came to market with me.  She’s my friend, my anchor and she sews for me too!  Thank you my sweet friend!  I can’t wait to visit you in your new home!  She took this photo of me in the booth.

I have a new granddaughter due to arrive any day now.  When she comes to visit me she’ll be sleeping in this crib.  I bought it for her, and then borrowed it for market.  Can you imagine my beautiful new granddaughter in this crib?  I can hardly wait!  Enlarge the photos so you can see the fabric!  It’s Puttin’ on the Ritz in blue and gray…

On the other side of the booth is the beautiful headboard my sweet husband spray painted to match the crib…

…and the fabric on the bed is the 54″ decorator weight cotton/linen that comes with Puttin’ on the Ritz!

I shipped the headboard and borrowed a twin bed frame from Moda.  We inflated the air mattress and when we put it down on the frame it poked a large hole in the corner of the mattress. We used the ever faithful duct tape to plug the hole, but every time we’d inflate the bed it would blow the duct tape off.   We spent all of market inflating the bed!  We’d arrive every morning to a flat bed…

It was beautiful when it was inflated…

But then every morning it looked like this…

By the end of market it was even lopsided! Needless to say we left the inflatable bed behind after market!  No sleeping in the Bunny Hill booth!  We had a great time even with a sinking bed!

More pictures to come…





  • Sandra

    What an adorable bed I will look forward to seeing pictures of your grandaughter. Love the fabric and looks great on the beds, the booth was really cute.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Anne, I love these new fabrics, they are precious, and the soft pewter crib frame is just perfect! Lucky little granddaughter to come…you all must be getting impatient :-)

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