
Happy Dance Quilt

Some quilts just make me happy!  That’s how I felt when I saw Irene Baldock’s version of “A Tisket, A Tasket”.  Irene lives in the UK and sent a photo of her finished quilt.  I  love the fabrics and colors she used!

…and here’s another treat!  Irene’s version of Henrietta Whiskers!

I’m doing the happy dance Irene!  I love your quilts!

You can see more versions of Henrietta in my Flickr group.   You’ll never know how much you all inspire me!  A big thank you to each and everyone of you who are making this quilt!

Have a great day everyone!





  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Your right Anne, Irene’s fabric choices are gorgeous. I also love ‘Show and Tell’! Not only does it allow us to see the wonderful variety that make each version of the same quilt, seem like they were made from completely different patterns. It offers lots of new and wonderful ideas for future projects. Thanks for sharing Irene’s photos with us. Hugs…

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