Halloween & Fall

Happy April 5th!

Can you believe it’s April 5th? It’s Henrietta Whiskers day here at Bunny Hill!  I have a drop in class today for Henrietta Whiskers at In-Between Stitches in Livermore, California.   The nicest group of ladies attend and today I’m doing a demo on machine applique.

Have you tried machine applique using DMC machine embroidery 50 wt. thread?  It’s so much fun, and of course really, really fast!  If you don’t have the DMC thread see if you have any Mettler 60wt. and then click on my tutorial section.  You’ll find a simple “how to” for machine applique.

We’ll be using machine applique a lot during the next few weeks in order to finish my market quilts.    I’ll have lots of help and maybe a few sewing parties coming up.  Wish you could all come!

Go ahead, enlarge the photo below and you’ll see how amazing machine applique with cotton thread can be!  Once the quilting is complete you won’t be able to see the stitches at all!  I can’t wait to show you!  Of course the cotton thread gives it a wonderful “feel”.   My friend Anne Bryson over at Cottons ‘n Wool does lots of machine applique for Bunny Hill and she’s amazing!  She uses the magnifying glass on her Bernina and takes her stitch down as small as it will go!

You go Anne B!

Henrietta and Sophie love you!

If you didn’t already know I’m updating my blog over the next few months.  I’ve had such a problem with slooooooooness, and now just when I think that problem is solved other glitches have come up. It’ll  be worth it in the end.   I’m adding some surprises that I can’t wait to share!  Should have everything worked out by the middle of June!  June?  Did I say June?  Oh my gosh, it’s right around the corner!

Get quilting everyone!  Henrietta’s waiting!






  • Barb

    Another adorable (really too cute for words!) BOM!!! Leave it to you to come up with the best designs!

    Anne, just curious, but is the Quilter’s Market in SLC open to the public or just the ‘trade’? Not that I will be anywhere near SLC, but I’ve always wondered about who attends Market. Thanks for the information and especially a huge Thank You for such a fun block for April!


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