Other Nice Things

Scrap Bag Winners

Seems many of you love scraps!  I never expected so many responses!  A few of you didn’t know how to leave a comment so you sent an email instead.  Don’t worry,  I added you into the total.  Here’s the list of winners picked by the random number generator…

…the Henrietta Whiskers Bag goes to…

#330 Kelly Vanasse

Kelly’s the perfect winner!  I just couldn’t believe it when I read her winning comment!

“Hello Anne! What a delightful thought to have a chance to win some of your scraps!! (That sounds a little funny doesn’t it?) I have printed out the instructions for Henrietta and met with my quilt group yesterday and they have decided to do it with me!! It would be wonderful to win the Henrietta scraps so each of my girls in quilting could have a little piece of the original Henrietta!!! How fun!!! :)
Thank you for this fun giveaway!!!”

Henrietta loves the idea of being shared with a group Kelly!

The winners of the Lily & Will scrap bags are:

#176, Anne, who wrote on March 25th @6:21PM,  Premium scrap bags! So fun! Thank you.

#171, Mary Peters, who wrote on March 25th @5:53PM,  “I would love to win any of the bags. I have started on the Henrietta quilt, now waiting for the 4th block. Any of the bags would be awesome to win.
Thanks for being so generous.”

#30, Gillian Macdougall, who wrote on March 25th @12:09 PM, “Would love any scraps to add to my stash”.

#148, Janet, who wrote on March 25th @4:26PM, “I’d love to win some of your scraps!  Whichever and whatever – so far I’m managing Henrietta from stash.

Thanks for the opportunity!”

#104, Nicole, who wrote on March 25th @2:19PM, “I would love to win some extra scraps. It’s always nice to add to your stash for applique.”

#98, Tricia L., who wrote on March 25th @ 2:07PM, “I would love some Lily & Will scraps! I think it’s a great giveaway! Thanks!”

#343, Jane W, who wrote on March 26th at 9:35AM, “Just found out my daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild. I would love some of your Lily and Will scraps to put towards a baby gift.”

Congratulations to all the scrappy winners!  Email me your shipping information to info@bunnyhilldesigns.com, and we’ll package up your scraps and get them in the mail.  A big thank you to the winners for helping me clean up the studio!  I’m so happy my scraps will be put to good use!

Thank you to all who entered!  Have a wonderful Monday,





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