
Get Creative!

Many of you may have already made my Jelly Bag pattern.  Now think about making it again and get creative like Catherine Kessel did! Here’s the original pattern…

…and here’s what Catherine did!  She cut the strips and made it scrappy!  She made one for each of her friends…aren’t they cute?

Thanks for sharing your version of Jelly Bags Catherine.  What lucky friends you have!

If you’ve been patiently waiting for your Hello Kitty Sewing Kit to arrive, I’m happy to announce that they shipped this morning.  We’ve been waiting on the pink embroidery hoops and they finally arrived.  You should have them this week!

If you ordered the Henrietta Whiskers Cosmo Embroidery Floss kit from us, please check your kit and make sure it includes the green floss.  After we shipped our first batch of kits, I found a skein of green floss that dropped on the floor and I’m not sure where it came from.   I hope it didn’t fall out of one of your kits.

Hope you’re having a great Monday!

Back soon,



  • mimi'sdarlins

    Those little tins are just too cute! My granddaughters aren’t yet ready for those…I’m thinking I should get a couple of tins and just save them til the time is right :-)

  • Linda

    Oh, my word, Anne……….I have your pattern and made those several years ago. I just love that pattern. And now I just realized that it was YOU, really YOU who created that!
    Love your blog, BTW!

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