Pets,  Photography

Is it the 5th yet?

I rushed around like crazy yesterday trying to get things done. Have you ever had one of those weeks where you can’t remember what day it is?  I thought today was March 5th and I rushed to get my newsletter done and even posted block three of Henrietta!   When I realized today is only the 4th I decided to leave block three up.   You get the pattern early because I don’t know what day it is!

Mooch watched me all day trying to figure out why on earth I was rushing around.

Wonder what Mooch was thinking?

Never mind, I think I know…

Today will be a better day don’t you think?  I’ll be back tomorrow with another post for the 5th.  Remind me will you?





  • Judy C in NC

    May I recommend a Day Clock – when husband retired he would always ask me “what day is it.” so when 3rd daughter wanted to know what we wanted for Christmas, I told her a Day Clock from Cannot tell you how many times we look at that clock, a lot more than the time-of-day clock. Judy C

  • Kim

    Anne, Mooch is just beautiful. We are very new first time cat owners in this family and I think I am now seeing the beauty in all kitties!! love it when your post includes pictures of your pets, we are animal mad in this household!

  • Pat

    I have printed off Henrietta #3. Thanks for the freebie. I love getting these patterns. This morning I finally finished the top of “A Tisket, A Tasket”. A little late but it is done. My friends saw it the other evening and they also loved it. Now to get it quilted. Thanks for the beautiful quilt

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