Quilt Market

Moda Pillow Talk

Hi Everyone!  Welcome to Pillow Talk at Bunny Hill!  The creative mind behind “Pillow Talk” is Lissa Alexander the marketing director at Moda!  She dreams up things for us to do in her sleep.  No wonder she’s calling this “Pillow Talk”!  We never know what she’ll dream up next!  This time she’s given us questions to answer –  like what we do to relax, do we like pajamas, something about us you might not know, do we sew in bed…

…So grab your jammies, your favorite pillow and come on over for some Pillow Talk!  Of course you may have to share a bed with Bitsy or Chelsea…

…or, maybe Max, Mooch or Topsy.   I’m such an animal lover!

We can’t stay up too late talking because I go to bed early.  I get up at 5AM every morning.  It’s my favorite time of day and I’ll still be in my jammies.  Yep, that’s right I love jammies.  See if you can pick out the real Anne Sutton in the photos below…

Did you guess?  My husband picked the one on the bottom left.  He’s very funny isn’t he?

Lissa asked us to design a pillow for Fall market that “represented us”.  It was hard to decide on a pillow because sometimes I’m funny and other times I’m pratical.  Funny won and I decided to make a LARGE bunny.  Surprise!  I made a bunny pillow that my husband could use when I travel.  It holds his nose strips and his remote control (both he can never be without).  I carried this giant bunny in my luggage all the way to Houston and back.  He’s bigger than Bitsy and Chelsea put together.

Chelsea asked my DH to add a few treats to the pocket the next time I travel so she won’t miss me as much!  That dog is just so smart!

Today I’m  sharing something I love to sew;  lavender pillow sachets made with charm squares!

You can stack them to scent your favorite room…

or fill a pretty jar to decorate a special corner…

…or make a few for little Valentine gifts!

Just fill with lavender and decorate with a vintage button.

I love lavender sachets don’t you?

If you’d like to make some sachets yourself you can plug in this cord…

…(if you’re the lucky winner) and iron a package of Lily & Will charm squares with your new Oliso iron!

One of you is going to win this iron can you believe it?  It’s my “dream” iron and Oliso has generously donated one for a giveaway!  Hop on over to Oliso’s FaceBook page and say thank you!  Or, if you’re not on Facebook, visit the Oliso website and watch the video to see this iron in action.   Leave a comment on this post telling me why you’d like to win and I’ll announce the lucky winner on Tuesday!  Thank you Oliso for making such a wonderful iron!  Everyone at Bunny Hill has this iron and we all agree…we love it!

Just a few more questions left to answer…how about “do you sew in bed?”  What’s up with that question?   How does Lissa think we get everything done!  Of course I sew in bed!

“How many nights do you or your spouse spend on the couch?” Lissa obviously hasn’t been to my house.  It’s a big O.  There’s never any room!

What’s something you might not know about me?  I’m going to be a grandmother again!  My son Doug and his wonderful wife Elke are expecting their first baby at the end of May and it’s a girl!  My new grand-daughter will speak German, English and maybe a little French because Doug and Elke live in Germany.  How do you say “I’m so excited” in German?

Hmm…where did I put my IPad?  I’m reading such a good book! Pillow Talk is over at Bunny Hill and it’s time to relax.

Be sure and visit these other Moda designers for more Pillow Talk and treats!

February 1st … Aneela Hoey

February 2nd … Blackbird Designs

February 3rd … Brannock and Patek

You’ll find more Pillow Talk tomorrow over at  Cottonway!   I love everything Bonnie does and so will you!

Have fun!



  • Rebecca Moore

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop. It is lovely to get to know you a bit better. I really love your designs.

    If I won the iron I would give it to my mother for Valentines day. I have moved in with her now due to some financial reasons after she lost my father about a year ago. She is the one that taught me to sew when I was around 3 or 4 years old. She would set me on her lap and she would place her hands over mine as she would let me guide the fabric into the machine. She never let me get my hands to close to get hurt. I have always sewn with her and she is still my sewing partner and best friend. We have great fun sewing and creating together. She ha often stated that someday she would love to have a great new iron. Maybe this will be her day thanks to Orso and you.
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and good luck to all the commentors.

  • Molly

    There’s a farmers market down the street from me and there’s a wonderful lavender booth–I might buy some today and try making some sachets–thanks for the idea!

    I would love to win the iron because my current iron fills my crafting area with a horrible burn smell, yet it doesn’t seem to get quite hot enough to press my seams well.

    Thanks for the giveaway! It was fun to read your Pillow Talk answers!

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